

Open Frame with 15" LCD, S478 Pentium® M CPU board, resistive touchscreen, 110W AC power supply


OFC7525-BB Fiche article OFC7525-BB Open Frame with 15" LCD, S478 Pentium® M CPU board, resistive touchscreen, 110W AC power supply

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_Open Frame with 15" LCD, S478 Pentium® M CPU board, resistive touchscreen, 110W AC power supply

A voir aussi en complément:

OFC7520-BB OFC7527-BB OFC-7615 OFC-7617 OFC-7919
OFC7520-BB OFC7527-BB OFC-7615 OFC-7617 OFC-7919
Open Frame with 10.4" LCD, S478 Pentium® M CPU board, resistive touchscreen, 110W AC power supply
Open Frame with 17" LCD, S478 Pentium® M CPU board, resistive touchscreen, 110W AC power supply
Open Frame, Intel® CoreTM Duo/ Core solo / Core 2 Duo / Celeron® M 945GSE Panel PC, w/ 15" 1024 x 768 LCD / 5-Wire ELO Touch / 24V 100W DC Power
Open Frame, Intel® CoreTM Duo/ Core solo / Core 2 Duo / Celeron® M 945GSE Panel PC, w/ 17" 1280 x 1024 LCD / 5-Wire ELO Touch / 24V 100W DC Power
Open Frame, Intel® CoreTM Duo/ Core solo / Core 2 Duo / Celeron® M 945GSE Panel PC, w/ 19" 1280 x 1024 LCD / 5-Wire ELO Touch / 24V 100W DC Power

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